

Sign Up

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* Creating an account means you're donating to the foundation at your own will, and understand that the donations are final. Also it means that you're okay with our Privacy Statement.
Please agree to all the terms and conditions before proceeding to the next step

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Become a Volunteer

Together we can
Where it all began

Let’s help together

Volunteering with Bright Future offers a unique opportunity to be part of a compassionate community dedicated to creating positive change. As a volunteer, you’ll join forces with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds, all united by a shared passion for making a difference. Whether you’re lending a helping hand in local communities or contributing your skills and expertise to global initiatives, your time and effort have the power to transform lives. Together, we can achieve more. Join us in our mission and become a part of something truly impactful.

More People

More impact

At Bright Future, we believe in the power of collective action to drive meaningful change. By expanding our volunteer network, we can amplify our impact and reach even more individuals in need. Each additional volunteer brings unique skills, perspectives, and energy to our efforts, strengthening our ability to tackle pressing social challenges. Join us today and be a part of a dynamic community dedicated to making a difference. Together, we can achieve greater impact and create a brighter future for all.

Monthly Visitors Goal
Volunteers Needed
Countries Worldwide
Need To Raise

How it works

Join our volunteer network in few steps


Create a personal profile

To volunteer, create your profile with basic contact info and interests. Use our portal to find and sign up for projects.


Add your organization

After creating your profile, the next step is to add our organization to your profile. This ensures that you’re connected with us and have access to all our volunteer opportunities and updates. Simply search for our organization and follow the prompts to add it to your profile. Once completed, you’ll be ready to browse and sign up for projects through our platform


Add volunteer opportunities

In this step, you have the capability to add volunteers directly to our organization. Using our platform, you can input the necessary information for new volunteers, streamlining the process and ensuring efficient coordination. This feature empowers you to expand our volunteer network and enhance our collective impact.


You are ready to recruit!
What you will get

Member Benefit

Enjoy priority access to opportunities, exclusive updates, and recognition for your contributions. Join us today

  • Recruit friends as volunteers
  • Check specific skills needed
  • Have your Close friends help and we will provide seed money for your community project
  • Manage your photos and videos
  • Send group alerts
  • Track and report opportunity metrics
  • Export your opportunity data
  • Automatically send documents to potential volunteers

Words From Volunteers

  • John Balmer
    Jounalist, London
  • Kiss Kington
    Jounalist, London

Interest to get involved?

Bright Future Charity Foundation
Address 1054 Budapest Honvéd street 8 1st floor 2

  • Office : +447883312601
  • Mon - Fri : 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • office@bright-future.foundation